The Story

Shadowfest: The Dungeon of Fu Manchu

Fu Manchu recently went the Caribbean to seek out Haitian zombie powder so that he can turn his victims into mindless slaves and then give them powers by administering a serum he develop from the blood of captured vampires. He has had this serum for a long time and has been using it to keep himself young for hundreds of years. He is about to unleash his vampiric army on the world in order to take power and control all nations. To lure his victims he is holding a grand party. With this knowledge you must enter this party in an attempt to stop his diabolic plans. You will infiltrate his ranks by pretending to go though the training to become one of his elite soldiers. This can include, Kung Fu workshops, archery training and finding your way through his labyrinth.

Fu Manchu is aided by his daughter who he trains to inherit his empire.  Together they rule an elite group of generals who in turn run their own mafias. Don't be fooled by her alluring beauty. Fu Manchu's daughter is extremely loyal to him, but some of the generals can be turned against him considering that with this new found power he may have no need for them and thus they will be expendable in his new world order. Their lives may be in just as much danger as the party guests.